Senin, 07 Juli 2014

Seed Seeding Technique

Seed Seeding Technique
a) How generative:
Generative seeding sago seeds do dengancara indirect germination, media preparation, seed danpembibitan arrangement, as follows
1. Germination indirect
Preparation of media: container or combination of brick or bamboo tinggi30-sized 40 cm, length not more than 2 meters wide and 1.2 to 1.5 cm.Selanjutnya lower third filled with sand and topped serbukgergaji wet.
Structuring Seed: seeds arranged with a distance of 10 x 10cm; 10 x 15 cm; or 15 x 15 cm with a sloping or upright position, bagianlembaga put under, ¾ of the seed is pressed within serbukgergaji. Medium humidity is maintained between 80-90%. After the age of 1-2 leaves, 2-3 bulandan sheet, seedlings transferred to nursery beds.
2. Breeding (indirect germination in nursery media)
Preparation of media: Soil treated as deep as 45-60 cm, digemburkan danditambah basic fertilizer. Plot size 30 cm high; width of 1.25 m; danpanjang + 8-10 with 30-50 cm spacing between beds.
Pengaturanpembibitan without spacing: Seedlings planted with spacing of 25 x 25cmsampai with 40 x 40 cm. Nursery setting with thinning: At first seedlings were planted at a distance of meeting, ie 12.5 x 12.5 cm; 15x 15 cm; or 20 x 20 cm.
D.4. maintenance Seeding
How generative with thinning:
a. Performed after one month, ie to 25 x 25 cm; or 40 x 40 cm.
b. During the time of seeding moisture retained 80-90%
c. Given shade to avoid direct contact with sunlight.
d. Peyiraman made ​​at any time.
D.5. Seed removal
A). Generative ways:
Bibityang 6 -12 months old may be moved or planted. Carapengangkatannya place to garden or planting easy and inexpensive. Toko online murah terbaik di Indonesia
b). How Vegetative
Having taken can be directly planted.
E. Media Processing Plant
1. Preparation
Lahandipilih in accordance with the provisions. According to the custom of farmers saguRiau and Maluku, sago cultivation is done at the beginning of the rainy season.
2. Clearing
Lahandibersihkan of all vegetation below 30 cm in diameter near permukaantanah and all the live trees. Ground vegetation and small twigs are burned and the ashes for fertilizer. Principal - pokokbatang large, difficult excavation may be left begitusaja in land, unless the principal - the principal that is at baristanaman candidate must be cleaned.
3. Formation of beds
Dilakukanuntuk planting by means of a block (usually done perusahaanperkebunan sago). The procedure for the construction of the block is:
a) The block size of 400 x 400 m, so the extent of 16 ha block. Usually in the middle - the middle block is built tertiary canals. Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya
b) The channel should be built there are 3 kinds, namely: the main canals, secondary canals, and tertiary canals.

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