Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Hair Care Tips - Back this time she gives tips related to hair care problems

Hair Care Tips - Back this time she gives tips related to hair care problems . Since hair is a crown for us , then of course we will always provide the best for your health and also the beauty of the crown . Healthy hair is a reflection of how healthy Bisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dahsyat Modal Hemat unhealthy your life .
hair care tradisionalGenetik pre - disposition can cause harmful effects , but healthy living can prevent such adverse conditions alopecia . Caring for your hair is as important as any other part of the body . Although you tend to cover your hair more body parts were subjected to a lot of pollution , dirt and chemicals . Within a few days ago , she has written about Nutrition For Hair Growth , and the topic this time we will discuss about 20 Traditional Hair Care Tips .
Tips For Hair Care 1
Cidar apple cider vinegar - To get bouncy hair , apply a mixture of warm water and 1-1 of apple cider vinegar to your hair . Rinse thoroughly with water flowing after 5 minutes to get rid of the smell of apple cider .
Hair Care Tips For 2nd
Therapy Baking Soda - Make a mixture of 3 tablespoons of baking soda and water . Rinse your hair after shampooing with this herb . Allow for a time for at least 5 minutes before the final rinse with clean water that is neutral . This therapy will help eliminate the excess shampoo and styling products from your hair .
Hair Care Tips For 3rd
Bottle gourd - bottle gourd extract some juice and apply it to your hair . Let this concoction menempael on hair for half an hour and wash it thoroughly with clean water .
Hair Care Tips For 4th
Olive Oil - Olive oil is great for conditioning and hair seemed to shine mebuat . Honey can also be combined with Olive Oil on the hair to create a much more effective results . All you need is a small cup of olive oil . Use your hands to rub all over your hair , leave for 2 hours before you wash it with shampoo .
Hair Care Tips For 5th
Amla - Amla is one type of fruit that is widely used as a medicine in India . Pohonya much like Cerme and has the scientific name Phyllanthus emblica . For use as a hair treatment , take half a cup of amla powder , add two tablespoons of castor oil and one full egg and make into a smooth mixture . Apply on the hair and scalp , leave on for about 30 minutes before shampooing .
Tips For Hair Care to 6
Avoid Hot Water - Do not use a bath wash with hot water , as hot water will make your hair dry and brittle due to the loss of the protective oils from your hair . Bisnis Investasi Online Sebagai Lowongan Kerja, Dan Peluang Usaha MurahIf indeed you are in desperate need of a shower with hot water , set the temperature just slightly warmer than your body temperature .
Tips For Hair Care to 7
Treatment of eggs - Use the whole egg to your hair penkondisian . If you have dry or brittle hair , use egg whites to moisturize your hair . Use ½ cup per egg mixture ( egg white , whole egg ) in a state of wet hair . Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water .
Tips For Hair Care to 8
Hair dandruff - Prepare a mixture of 1 cup of your daily conditioner and 2-3 tablespoons of honey . Apply this mixture evenly on your wet hair . Let stand for 30 minutes and wash it thoroughly. This mixture will close your hair cuticles and give your hair an amazing shine .
Hair Care Tips For 9th
Good Diet - Drink plenty of mineral water and eating a healthy diet of raw fruits and vegetables . Traditional treatment is most effective for hair care is a healthy diet . You are what you eat , and what you put in your body will be reflected on the outside .
Tips For Hair Care to 10
Hair Loss For Oily Hair - Make a mixture of one cup of henna powder which has been added with a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix into it a single white egg . Apply this mixture on the hair , leave on for about half an hour and then wash with shampoo .
Tips For Hair Care to 11
Almond Oil For Hair Strong - Use almond oil to treat dry and damaged hair . It is a very simple procedure , pour a small amount of almond oil in a bowl and heat for 40 seconds . Then apply evenly to your hair . Let stand for 30 minutes and then rinse with shampoo and conditioner use cold water .
Tips For Hair Care to 12
Moisturize Your Hair With Beer - Pour a little beer in your hair is still wet . Apply evenly and massage your scalp with your fingers for 20 minutes . Then rinse thoroughly to get rid of the smell of beer . Perform this procedure once a week to get smooth hair . However , it is advisable for people with sinus and cold should avoid using this medication .
Tips For Hair Care to 13
Treating Hair Damaged by Sunlight - Make a mixture of ½ cup of honey , 1-2 tbsp olive oil and egg yolk 1-2 tbsp . Apply this mixture on your hair for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water . This treatment will help to replenish the keratin protein bonds
Tips For Hair Care to 14
Cleanliness is important - the most important reason for hair loss are dandruff and itchy scalp . Therefore , maintaining good hygiene for healthy and beautiful hair by washing hair regularly and regularly .
Tips For Hair Care to 15
Making Conditioner - To obtain a protein conditioner from traditional ingredients , Beat the eggs and yogurt and rub it into your scalp . Leave on for five or 10 minutes , and then wash it all. This is done to give the stolen moisture to the hair .
Tips For Hair Care to 16
Lemon juice - After the final rinse when shampooing , you can apply 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to your hair . Just use a towel to dry your hair and do not need water to rinse it again .
Tips For Hair Care to 17
Do not wash your hair frequently - Wash your hair every 2-3 days , for the appropriate regulation of natural hair oils . Wash your hair by the rules will also help to get back your hair's natural luster .
Tips For Hair Care to 18
Combing Techniques - Avoid using combs with plastic bristles to prevent hair damage from static electricity . The best way to brush your hair is by first brushing the tip to remove tangles and then proceed from the roots to the ends of the hair . This technique will help the spread of natural hair oils and thus prevent damage .
Hair Care Tips For 19th
Allow your hair to dry naturally - Let hair dry naturally instead of using a blow dryer or hot rollers . Using the technique of drying with hot tools will make your hair brittle and dry . Unless you do not have time to let the air dry your hair , you can use a blow dryer Bandar Terbesar Situs Togel Online Terpercaya and make sure you use a warm setting instead of heat settings .
Hair Care Tips For 20th
Leaves Neem - Neem leaves ( Azadirachta indica ) Paing many encounter in India . You can wash your hair with a paste made from Neem leaves . It is very effective for hair loss that is caused due to excessive scalp in producing oil or invasive skin infections .
Well, that was 20 Hair Care Tips for Traditional girl presented in this occasion . We certainly know that there are many more traditional ways other related about hair care . And in a review in the future, she will continue to provide tips on caring for your hair all . Good tips kai could be useful for you .

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