Most people who shop over the Internet is people looking for products priced goods sloping aka cheap . However , a seller should also understand penjualan alat bantu sex that the price is not everything . Today, buyers are smart enough to decide which items he needed to buy . Whether the goods are expensive but the quality is exorbitant or even cheap goods with quality standards . Therefore , sellers should consider several things before setting the selling price of the products that he sold in the online store .
Product pricing is heavily influenced by how much profit margin to be obtained . Lisa Suttora , a founder and CEO of , said many factors to be considered in determining the profit margin of a product .
Many online sellers who set the same profit margin for each product in order to gain it get too big . This is misguided . According to Lisa , not all products can be generalized his profit margin . The key to success in determining the profit margin by Lisa is by setting varying prices . Starting from the lowest , to the most expensive .
In addition , the size of a business is also crucial. When businesses run into categories including large and many products are sold with varying profit margins , one can use the lower margins for certain products . Lower margins for the products it becomes a means of promotion so that new buyers arrive .
If the business is still relatively small , Lisa advised to be careful in setting the low margins . In alat bantu sex addition , set a profit margin that is too varied to be a wrong move for small business .
In addition , Lisa also lamented , many online sellers are less precise focusing its profit margin . For example , he saw a lot of sellers of electronic goods that define a large profit margin on its gadgets . In fact , according to Lisa , accessories such as a headset or charger was the one who should have a big profit margin .
Cost of goods sold ( COGS ) is also taken into consideration in determining the price of the product . COGS is the total cost incurred when selling a product . Thus , the profit margin is calculated not only the cost of purchasing from suppliers only. Which is included in cost of goods sold is :
Cost of purchase
These costs include what price must be paid to obtain a product from a supplier , bantu sex alat how much cost of shipping goods from the supplier to the seller , as well as the maintenance costs of goods ( if any ) .
Fees are the costs that must be incurred to develop a business . For example , the cost for the maintenance of the website , the cost of hosting , and promotion costs .
Cost to Deliver
This fee is usually not much noticed by the seller. But , this actually affects the profit margin . Which includes the cost to deliver is the cost required to make delivery of goods or shipping . For example , the price of boxes or boxes , plastic prices , and the cost of delivery services , such as FedEx , JNE or TIKI . If using own courier , transport costs and the salaries of the courier is also included in the cost to deliver .
In determining the price of the product , the seller should also consider the supply and demand are occurring . He should be able to see the ' season ' of each product , According to Lisa , when demand is numerous and the goods were scarce ( supply it a bit ) , a seller can raise the price is high tutorial online .