Fish eel has many features such as high omeganya content, low cholesterol and meat taste delicious. Besides the price of eel consumption size including height, could reach Rp 170.000/kilogram.
It thus revealed enlargement actors Kebondalem eel origin, Tridadi, Sleman, Hanif Irfani, Sunday (02/09/2014). Hanif further revealed, marketing eel Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli Indonesia ption is quite easy,
either offered to consumers, including the owner of eating houses or via
"It's just to get the seeds eel is not easy, because the seed obtained from wild-caught eel. The process of mating and lambing parent eels in rivers approach the sea, "said Hanif.
Seeds eel ever raised, he added, among others, have been obtained from collectors from Cilacap, Central Java. One time purchase 1050 seeds eel tail, but after staying 76 tail raised and sold sold $ 1 million less.
"Some are dead and some lost. These include constraints in raising eels. No evidence was missing the fishermen in the river not far from our eel rearing ponds, ever get eel fish, "he explained.
the diner owner Suradal special menu at Sumberadi eel, Mlati, Sleman
revealed, had tried twice to raise the seeds eel. It just has to wait a minimum of eight months to harvest eels the size of consumption. Are in addition to a lot of dead and she felt a loss. Finally,
this time more firmly rely eel deposit of collectors primarily from
Cilacap to meet the needs in warungnya.Ikan eel (Anguilla bicolor),
including familiAnguillidae, Apodes order. Indonesia's
estimated there are at least five (5) types of eel fish, namely:
Anguilla encentralis, A. bicolor bicolor, A. borneonsis, A. Bicolor
Pacifica, and A. celebensis. Eel fish may not be known by many people. But in many countries eel so food was very expensive prima donna.okbox} images / stories / bicolor.jpg {/ rokbox}
Indonesia is a place of origin of various spBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ecies of fish eel (Anguilla sp.) Are scattered throughout the world. Not many fishermen in Indonesia are aware of and develop this fish,
but this fish is in great demand in the international market, especially
China and Japan.
Minggu, 08 Juni 2014
Fish eel has many features such as high omeganya
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