Jasa SEO Handal - In this article , we describe how How to Add Meta Description in Blogger Newest Version . Maybe some of you blogger users , have anyone know about this feature ,
Blogger has added a new feature which is the latest in techniques or how to install or add a meta description on the blog , so we no longer need to bother to make a meta description to edit the template , or go to edit HTML on the menu Design / Design .
pulau pari Meta description is a vital part of a blog that contains information about the blog and the articles are written . Without the meta description blog will be very difficult to be crawled by search engines . One uses the meta description if the other is at the other sites will display our blog site on their site by taking information from the meta description , for example , when you link something to a specific social networking , but sometimes the description a link to the blog on facebook ( homepage ) and blog posts do not appear . where the function of a meta description which led to a description of a blog or blog post if we link it to a specific social networking .
so , lucky you who have been using blogger platform which has been pulau pari given the ease of installation of its meta description ,There are two kinds of meta tag descriptions that I will give a tutorial this time , the first is to add a meta description of your blog / homepage and the second adds the meta description of each individual post pages or blog post .Here I use the new look blogger dashboard .Okay , let's start immediately tutorial How to Add Meta Description in Blogger Newest Version of his .
- Adding Meta Description At Home Page Blogger
Login to your blogger Dashboard > Click on Settings / Settings > Search Preferences > Meta Tag
How to Add Meta Description in Blogger Newest Version
Click the " Edit " select " Yes " to " Enable search description ? "
How to Add Meta Description in Blogger Newest Version
obat aborsi Fill meta description with 150 characters maximum character . Once in the contents click the " Save changes "
Note :The meta description will be used only on the main page ( index page or home page ) , while for each of the articles , we have to write it again .
- Adding Meta Description of Each Page Or Static Page Blog Posts
Login to Post menu > select the blog post will be edited .
Notice in the sidebar editor , should have increased the widget " Description Search "
How to Add Meta Description in Blogger Newest Version
Click " Search Description " and input the description of the pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar article in the box below , then click the button " Finish "
Description :Description This search will replace the global description , and this description will be used a search engine to parse the contents of your article . Meta Description is like a summary of the article that you wrote , therefore , make an interesting description . Description of the article will not be displayed on the browser but will be picked up by search engines obat telat bulan ( machine-readable metadata ) and other sites ( eg, Facebook and Google Plus ) .
Not finished here , please edit your blogger template for a little adjustment ..steps :
Go to " Template - Edit HTML - Continue "
Scroll up in find the code below:
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
If the blog does not mean you have not found use the meta description though already activated , follow the next step insertion code .
jual alat bantu sex If the template has not implemented the meta description , find the code below :
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
Enter (copy and paste ) the following code just below the code <head>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/> obat pembesar penis
< / b : if>
Save the template ..
Once activated meta description , and meta accompanied descriptioan article published then do check to make sure that your meta description is active on your blog . Perform the following steps :
See the article was accompanied meta description
Use the key combination CTRL + U ( Firefox and Chrome users ) or right-click on the area of the article and select " View source " ( Safari users ) to view the source code of your blog , and note the meta description you just made . Or use the keyword "name = ' description' " using the browser search . If it appears like what you write in the meta description in the article means you have an active blog , do share on Facebook or Google Plus , then that alat bantu sex will be displayed is the meta description , not a piece of article again ..How to Add Meta Description Blogger version: Maybe some bloggers already there who know about this feature , in which the blogger / blogspot has added a new feature which is the latest in techniques or how to install or add a meta description on the blog , so we do not need to bother anymore create meta descriptions by editing the template , or go to edit HTML on the menu Design / Design .
Meta description is something that is important in describing the content or description of a blog -and also post the contents of a page . I 'm sure most bloggers like to link to social networking something specific , but often a description of a blog ( homepage ) and blog posts do not appear . where the function of a meta description which led to a description of a blog or blog post if we link it to a specific social networking . In addition to the functions that are to appear in the description page of jasa pembuatan toko online murah the search engine .
As I pointed out above , this is the latest feature blogger , which for a novice blogger very easily using this new feature . There are two kinds of meta descriptions that I will give a tutorial this time , the first is to add a meta description of your blog / homepage and the second adds the meta description of each individual post pages or blog post . Here I use the new look blogger dashboard .
Okay we just worked on .
A. Add a meta description on the homepage .Sign in to your blogger account Click Settings / Settings > Preferences Search / Search preferences > Meta tags ( see section above ) > Description / description > Click the link Edit > pulau tidung select Yes
Please enter your blog description on the form provided . then save changes / save changes .
B. Adding meta descriptions of pages and blog posts static page .1 . Login to Post menu > select the blog post will be edited .
2 . Click the Settings entry / search Description ( see on the right ) > Description Search .
NEW TRIAL . Interesting to read the article about the blogger friends the easy way easy way function optimization meta description tags for blogspot blog format . In contrast to a few years ago , which to be able to perform this optimization meta description should be through the process of editing the html template blog , but now feature blogger / blogspot has provided facilities that simplify the optimization process , just through the settings peluang usaha online feature descriptions on the dashboard page .
Just to refresh our memories , Meta Description Tags is one of the meta tags are important for supporting the optimization ( see optimization ) a blog with blogger format . Meta Description Tags are also one of the dozens of valid meta tag supports the existence of a web page / blog , might even be the only meta tag that has the greatest weight in the eyes of the search engines (search engine ) search engines like Google or Yahoo search engine .
pulau tidung Meta description tags to function as a loader meta information that describes the contents of a blog page . Meta description is also part of the description snippet in Google search results . Therefore , the proper use and optimize it will add to the power of SEO blogs in the eyes of search engines , or at least capable of being a tool for a blog to attract visitors from the search engines .In the Microsoft Excel series this time I still want to continue the discussion on user defined function ( UDF ) that we have discussed in previous writings . In the first article , we learn to create your own function or VBA UDF to use , and the last article we learn to create add - ins for functions of Physics . This time we will learn to add a brief explanation on the functions that we have created .
The description will usually appear in the Insert Function window as shown below :
So that we can provide information to users about the functionality obat aborsi that we make , so we need to add the Description when creating functions . The trick is as follows :
1 . Open Excel .
2 . Open the file Fisika.xlsm we've ever made in the previous exercise .
3 . On stem Security Warning , click Options ... and select Enable this content.
4 . Open the VBE window by pressing ALT + F11 .
5 . In the Immediate window , pembesar penis type the following command :
Application.MacroOptions " EnergiPotensial " , " Counting of the potential energy of an object . Parameters : mass (kg ) , height of objects from the ground ( meters ) . Gravitational constant = 0.98 m/s2 "
6 . Press Enter .
Now open the Insert Function window by pressing SHIFT + F3 :
bisnis online EnergiPotensial functions now have an explanation that can be understood by the user . A
Well , the explanation runway is quite short but dense , it can be concluded that the optimization process meta description tags is a thing that needs to be done , especially to increase the power of SEO blogs to win the competition in cyberspace ( web / blogger ) to be able to occupy the position 10 results SERP ( search engine result page ) .
How the optimization process itself? For more details , you can go straight to the optimization obat telat bulan function mera article 's description tags .
So my explanation , may be useful and please go to the link above .
3 . Enter a description of your blog post in the box provided . Then save .
Remember , for the long post , my friend had to manually edit the post .
Note :1 . To find meta tag is working or not , my friend can check in meta tag checker or enter here
2 . If not , please add the following code under the code
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'> <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/> < / b : if>or in the code <b:skin> < ! [ CDATA [
See the changes in fig belowThus tutorial how to How to Add Meta Description in Blogger alat bantu sex wanita Newest Version . Okay it was pretty easy , just stay in practice .Hopefully Helpful ...In Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 , public folder referral functionality ( known as affinity public folders in Exchange Server 5.5 ) allow MAPI client , Outlook Web Access ( OWA ) , and IMAP to access public folders in Exchange routing group remotely . Public folder referrals are made for each plug -each time they are needed , which gives you , as an administrator , is more flexible when you design your public folder topologies .
In any Exchange connectors each, you can prevent the public folder referrals . To do so , right-click the connector , click Properties, and then click to select the check box does not allow public folder referrals. By default , this check box is not selected .connector costs pasang iklan online Such as Exchange Server 5.5 , Exchange 2000 and any Exchange 2003 connectors ( SMTP , X.400 , or Routing Group connector ) has a cost associated with the cost ranging from 1 to 100 . Fee is used to optimize the message flow . Messages directed by the lowest cost , and if two or more routes are available at the same cost , the load is distributed as the same may be among them . This fee is also used in calculating the most appropriate route that clients can use to access the public folder on a remote server ( via the public folder referrals ) .
If the connector infinite cost associated with , one or more connectors to the public folder has the option to not allow public folder referrals are selected . These are not used to access public folders ; these will be removed from the list of available routes that use the public folder server to select information storage and routing services .connector costsIn Exchange Server 5.5 , the public folder affinity is not transitive . alat bantu sex pria For example , if site A has a public folder affinity to site B , and site B has a public folder affinity with site C , site A does not have a public folder affinity with site C.
However , in Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 , public folder referrals transitive . If the routing group A possible reference to public folder routing Group B , and Group B Routing allows routing reference the public folder for Group C , then the Routing Group A possible reference to a public folder routing group C , and vice versa .Transitive Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 connector costsWhen a client asks for a public folder content , the following process occurs :
First , a call is made to the information storage , which generates a list of all servers in the organization , which currently has a copy of the requested public folder . Information storage and then make a call to the routing service ( REAPI ) , which results in costs associated with the route to jual alat bantu sex the public folder .
Note : cost of information storage cache for each server that has a public folder that asked for one hour . This functionality prevents repeated calls to the routing service . To clear your cache , restart the Information Store service ( MSExchangeIS ) .
Next, discard the information storage server that has unlimited charges . Also remove the link status to the server if the server is down . SMTP connector and link status routing group is calculated before the message is sent through this connector . However , for the X.400 connector , link status will be assumed until the message is not sent over it . Information storage and then sort the list by cost .
If the local public folder server , for example , if the mailbox on the same server as the public folder , the client is redirected to a server for public folder content . If the public folder server in the same routing group , the client is sent to the server . iklan massal
If there is no Copy of public folder content in the local routing group , information storage calculates the lowest cost route to the server in the organization who has a copy of the public folder . If there is no route , the client can not see the content of the requested public folder
If multiple servers in the same routing group has a copy of the requested public folder content , information storage provides a list of servers that the client can choose from . The client then randomly selects one server , and specify that server numbers. alat bantu sex
The next time the client tries to access the public folder , the same call server ( based on number assigned to this server ) . Each client chooses a random number itself , therefore a different number for each client . This process provides load balancing between different clients attempting to access the same public folder . The process also gives the client a consistent view public folders , because they tend to access the same server repeatedly .
Post By : Jasa SEO Murah dan Jasa Pembuatan Website Murah
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